Card air intermodal transportation

"Truck flights" is the visual term for air to ground intermodal transportation of import and export goods, and is an extension of air transportation services. Truck flights can not only benefit from the price and mobility advantages of trucks, but also enjoy efficient and fast air transportation services. It is a direct customs clearance service with "one customs declaration, one inspection, and one release", which can improve the aviation radiation area. It has the characteristics of simple procedures, convenience, and speed, and can achieve the best combination of air and truck transportation. Land transportation can make up for the shortcomings of air transportation in terms of time and capacity, thereby reducing transportation costs for enterprises and saving customs clearance time. "Truck flights" is a popular and vivid term that actually refers to a new form of transportation - air land intermodal transportation, which combines air inbound and outbound flights with truck inland transportation. It is an effective supplement to the point-to-point single air transportation method and will effectively alleviate the problem of insufficient airport capacity

What is a truck flight?

ruck flights refer to those with full air waybills, using trucks as an extension tool for airplanes, connecting extension tools without built airports through land transportation, connecting areas without built airports through land transportation, and enabling direct transportation of air import and export goods in areas without built airports. The customs implements a direct customs clearance service of "one customs declaration, one inspection, one release" to improve the aviation radiation area. Truck flights have the characteristics of simple and convenient procedures - Source: Guangzhou Customs Truck Flight Customs Declaration Guide

Air land intermodal transportation is becoming increasingly sophisticated

Air land intermodal transportation is a relatively mature intermodal mode of air cargo transportation. In 2018, the Ministry of Transport drafted the "Operational Specification for Air Land Intermodal Transport of Container Goods" (draft for soliciting opinions), which defines air land intermodal transport as multimodal transport achieved through two transportation modes: air and road, including land operation and air to land transfer. At the same time, it also stipulates the basic conditions for truck flight operators for air land intermodal transport of containerized cargo, transportation truck standards for intermodal containers, intermodal operation procedures, information provision, and emergency response requirements, providing guidance and standardization for the deep development of air land intermodal transport. At present, air cargo hubs such as Hong Kong Airport, Beijing Capital Airport, Shanghai Pudong Airport, Guangzhou Airport, Shenzhen Airport, Zhengzhou Airport, etc., collect and distribute surrounding goods, and have relatively mature truck flight services to support their cargo distribution at hub airports